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Burlap Talk

Burlap Talk represents how the many fibers of our faith and heart posture should be strengthened while being stretched into our full purpose. Faith believers are to walk by faith, but often forget that this commission relates to employment, marriage and family, finance, media and entertainment, education, and arts.


We should be able to thrive wherever God plants us. Burlap Talk reminds us of our Kingdom birthright. We decree strong faith even when life feels weighty because the weight of God makes the load lighter.

You should join us on Wednesday evenings for your mid-week faith booster!

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Burlap Prayer


After you've talked about it, make time to pray God's Word over your life. People from around the world, gather to petition the throne of God every Wednesday evening with prayer, praise, and authority believing God to do just as He promised.


Connect your student to our STUDENT EDITION prayer call "Strength Beyond the Textbook." This prayer focuses on K-12 and college students' experiences.

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40-Day Burlap Fast


This journey is one to build your confidence, yet understand that God is supreme and whatever He asks of you to do, your decision to obey should not be skewed by relationships and feelings. Faith believers should participate in God's proganda vs having our own agenda.  Or take a walk with Holy Spirt through a secured wilderness experience and come out stronger. Let your mind go deep into the ocean like Jonah, and experience God 1-on-1 with no crowds.

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